The last two weekends’ career sections have thrown up some interesting job positions. Though they’re not online, we thought the Crikey audience might like to apply (though the doors have closed on the Turnbull gig, perhaps you could pretend, Uni student style, that you slipped it under the door at 4:59pm on Friday afternoon).

Malcolm Turnbull is looking for an economist with federal Budget experience and a policy adviser:

Libs not your thing? A tad Reaganite? Treasurer Wayne Swan, as advertised in this Saturday’s papers, is searching for a policy adviser too.

We here at Crikey are happy to help with this sort of awkward mid-career transition. Let us vet your applications! In keeping with the modern rules of Twitter-based communication, we want you to keep your application to 140 characters or less. So: send us an application for either position. We will dutifully forward the best to the offices concerned (we may even cross pollinate) and will of course publish a selection. Our expert panel will also decide on a pair of winners and award FirstDog merchandise accordingly. Send your applications to with “wonk work” in the subject field.