Prior to the Black Saturday fires, two mail delivery contractors worked out of the Marysville post office.

One delivered mail in the Buxton-Narbethong area where many houses were destroyed, but the mail deliveries service continues with mail apparently sourced from Healesville. The mail delivery service within Marysville has been terminated with everyone requiring a re-direct ion order to receive mail or pickup in Healesville some 32 km away.

For those some 15 residents who reside in Marysville the nearest place to pick up mail is Buxton some 12 km distant. Why cannot these few people be added to the diminished round of the other contractor to provide some relief to their problems?

Telstra must have stuck a lot of pins in Sol before they sent him home because, believe it or not, you can’t buy Telstra Home Recharge Vouchers for the next week or so because they have RUN OUT of PIN numbers. Priceless.

This site may be of interest. Mirvac screwing over the residents of Hope Island Resort Qld.

At the risk of being a bore: the Herald‘s Tuesday world coverage yesterday had another two pages completely taken up by reports from US and UK papers and agencies.

Nothing at all from Fairfax writers (although there was a piece on another page by Anne Davies in Washington on the GM bankruptcy). What’s happening? Does Media Watch know about this? Should they be told?