So a final vote on the Government’s Emissions Trading Scheme has been delayed until August at the earliest by the Senate, courtesy of a Coalition desperate to avoid splitting on the issue, a climate sceptic Family First senator and Nick Xenophon’s demand for further modelling.
The delay is no more than this Government deserves, given it has played politics with the ETS from the outset and seen it primarily as a tool to damage the Coalition and only secondarily as a mechanism to address climate change. Even now, in persisting with a link with its Renewable Energy Target bill, the Government continues its stunts and spin.
At no stage has this Government acted in good faith in regard to its ETS, except when negotiating with big polluters, whose handouts have been vouchsafed and ratcheted up repeatedly. The Coalition is doing little different from the Government in placing political advantage ahead of principle. The only difference is that at least the Coalition — like the Greens — correctly regards the Bill as it stands as bad policy that will harm the economy for no environmental benefit.
“Emissions Trading Scheme on ice”
Oh the irony. This is great news. ..and just what Penny wanted.
Congratulations to Gordon Grech for making it happen.
I have been following with interest the outrage Senator Fielding’s reservations on the role of greenhouse gases in climate change have caused. In particular the use of the fuzzy term “climate sceptic”. I don’t think Mr Fielding or anyone else doubts the climate is changing, it has been changing for over 4 billion years so why should it stop now? The question is rather to what extent human emissions of greenhouse gases are contributing to the current situation.
It would certainly be rather a shame to spend vast amounts of money reducing carbon emissions if it is actually not going to make much difference. Rather spend the money on chocolate, or perhaps more sensibly mitigating the effects of climate change, because it’s going to change whether we like it or not! No…on second thoughts let’s go with increased chocolate funding.
I’m pretty sure that most of Steve Feildings followers can only believe climate has been changing for 6000 years tops.