Time magazine has nominated its top 25 best blogs for 2009 — plus the year’s most overrated blogs.

Making the “top” list for the second year in a row are interweb stalwarts like MetaFilter, The Huffington Post (though that’s a blog now?), Lifehacker, Freakonomics, BoingBoing and Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish.

Notable and (in our opinion) worthy new additions include political Vlog kings Crooks and Liars, web 2.0 wunderkinds Mashable, NYT economist Paul Krugman, sporty snarkers Deadspin and political pundits Talking Points Memo.

Slightly more controversial is in the inclusion of Dooce (an irrefutable hall-of-famer, but one of the best blogs of 2009? Not so sure), Got2BeGreen (a good green blog, but better than TreeHugger and Grist?) and the Official Google Blog (interesting and informative, but ultimately a PR exercise).

Making the move from “top” to “overrated” is Daily Kos (now “rudderless” without Bush), TechCrunch (“irrelevant” since the Silicon Valley bust) and Gawker (kicking media and business titans while they’re down in the recession is too cruel, apparently).

Also getting the thumbs down is “Wall Street’s loudest and most obnoxious cheerleader” Jim Cramer’s blog, and Perez Hilton (duh — although one might argue that Hilton is so widely maligned by the blogosphere now, that he is not, in fact, overrated, and could indeed come full circle due to backlash. The mind boggles).

Still, while not quite a definitive 2009 “State of the blog-nation”, it’s a good little list with some eminently worthy nominations and a few new bookmarks to add to the collection.