Opinion polls
Voters back Labor on emissions scheme – A majority of voters supports the Government reintroducing the legislation for its emissions trading scheme in three months, an act that could turn the bill into a trigger for an early, double dissolution election – Sydney Morning Herald
Nothing stops Captain Invincible, the teflon man of Australian politics – Peter Hartcher writes in the Sydney Morning Herald that Kevin Rudd may look more like Clark Kent, but today’s poll confirms him as the Superman of Australian politics.
Most want new vote on carbon – Most people want the Government to try again to get its emissions trading scheme through the Senate, in polling that also shows Labor’s lead slightly reduced but Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings deeper in the doldrums – Melbourne Age
Under-40s keenest on carbon vote – Melbourne Age
Turnbull’s fortunes fade, PM rolls on unscathed – Tony Wright in the Melbourne Age points out that despite all the heat over climate change legislation, which left Labor friendless in the Senate last week, the two-thirds of voters who showed support for an emissions trading scheme have not changed in a year, and most voters want the Government to steam ahead.
Chinese chequers: Rudd 1, Turnbull 0 (for now) – Yet another miserable poll number for Malcolm Turnbull – 58 per cent of people think Kevin Rudd is doing a good job of managing Australia’s relationship with China – Melbourne Age
Economic matters
Banks rein in home loans – Six of of Australia’s nine main banks have tightened the amount of money they will lend to first home buyers in response to claims the Federal Government’s cash handouts to the housing market are causing a bubble in prices – Melbourne Age
Strong demand as buyers chase too few properties – Melbourne Age
Auctions home and hosed, buyers come out of woodwork – Sydney Morning Herald
Long-term jobless list tipped to hit 140,000 – Sydney Morning Herald
Gillard counts on voters to forgive rate rises – The Australian people will be more understanding now than they have been in the past if interest rates begin to rise, the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, says – Sydney Morning Herald
Law and order
Rann pushes for live verdicts – The state’s senior law officers, including Chief Justice John Doyle, will be asked to allow filming and photographing of court hearings. The State Government move is part of its plan to make the court system more open to public scrutiny. Premier Mike Rann has spoken to senior political figures in New Zealand about filming of trials, including murder cases – Adelaide Advertiser
China and Rio Tinto
Rio’s market intelligence iron edge over China – How Rio Tinto pieced together about Chinese iron ore production – Melbourne Age
Minority government
Rees stuck as Shooters refuse to give an inch – Shooters Party MP Roy Smith is as emphatic as he is resolute. The Premier’s chief of staff, Graeme Wedderburn, and the Treasurer, Eric Roozendaal, have been schmoozing him and his colleague Robert Brown in recent weeks to try to get them back on the Government’s side in voting in the upper house, all to no avail. The Shooters Party insists that the Government must agree to its bill, which would allow shooting in national parks, or face the the Shooters opposing many government bills – a situation that led to bizarre scenes two months ago when the upper house was shut down unadjourned after the Government lost control of it – Sydney Morning Herald
Politic al life
Neo-Nazi graffiti on Roozendaal home – Grafitti daubed on the home of the NSW Treasurer, Eric Roozendaal, is believed to have been done by a group that has links to neo-Nazis – Sydney Morning Herald
Share the best teachers and pay well: report – Sydney Morning Herald
Private schools have record enrolments – Melbourne Herald Sun
Blueprint for SA’s education future – Adelaide Advertiser
Aboriginal affairs
Red tape may block Aboriginal health aim – Red tape and complicated funding arrangements may prevent the Federal Government from improving indigenous health, a report says. The Co-operative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health has identified one regional area where the health centre must deal with 42 different funding programs – Sydney Morning Herald
Local government
Sneaky cash grab for rates, councils cheating ratepayers in NSW – Sydney Daily Telegraph
Prostitution laws fail to rein in illegal sex trade – Brisbane Courier Mail
Sex bars banned near family homes in Elsternwick – Melbourne Herald Sun
Now greedy bankers fuel a looming EFC – Glenn Milne in The Australian sees some cracks staring to appear in the support base that has so far sustained Kevin Rudd during debate on his emissions trading scheme
Rees riding on one wheel – Adam Walters writes in the Sydney Daily Telegraph that despite what Rees’ critics say about his ability to run the state, few could doubt his capacity to deal with conspiracies. He’s no stranger to them, even if he was to most of us just 12 months ago.
United States health care
GOP rides wave of ire: Minority party sees resurgence – and risks – in populist anger over health care – Baltimore Sun
Taliban and candidates keep Afghans guessing – Paul McGeough writes for the Melbourne Age from Kabul that there is no doubt that Afghans will vote, as President Hamid Karzai assured the country after the blast on Saturday morning. The question is, in what numbers and in which parts of the country?
Amcor set for $2.4bn acquisition of Alcan – The Australian
Food prices to surge under emissions trading scheme – Big retailers have warned the government that the proposed emissions trading scheme would add between 4 and 7 per cent to shopping bills in what would be a de facto tax on food – The Australian
Sun to shine again on solar – If all goes as expected, solar panel sales people across Australia will at some point this week uncross their fingers and toes and crack open the champagne – Melbourne Age
Antarctic melt fears rise – Pine Island Glacier, west Antarctica’s largest, has thinned four times more quickly over a decade than anticipated. British scientists say this has serious implications for the rise in global sea levels – Melbourne Age
Bleed Coorong salt to save lakes – Adelaide Advertiser
Food fight as News puts bite on Fairfax – News Limited prepares to launch a weekly Taste supplement in its metropolitan mastheads in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide which will go head-to-head with Fairfax Media’s two long-running Tuesday food supplements, Good Living in The Sydney Morning Herald and Epicure in The Age – The Australian
Health care
Elite hospital old boys’ network targeted by competition watchdog – Sydney Morning Herald
Child care
Families face up to $1500 childcare fee hike – Sydney Daily Telegraph
1400 people surveyed?