One-hundred-and-forty kangaroos were shot on Bathurst’s Mount Panorama ahead of the annual V8 Supercar race. The cull of the eastern grey kangaroos is the first time animals have been deliberately killed ahead of the race. The cull was authorised by Bathurst Regional Council. It represents 50% of the kangaroo mob — not the 10% that is normally allowed. Other options were not considered. The Greens are outraged.

Which victorious premiership team trashed their digs at Swinburne Uni? Throwing chairs etc from fifth floor balcony. Uni and Honeywell not happy… Resultant clean up looked like storm damage… And yes security has pics.

Rookie MPs should stay focussed on their own patch, yet western Sydney MP for Lindsay David Bradbury is way too busy trying to be a kingmaker in the local area rather than looking at potential problems, such as Marise Payne running for his seat.

Bradbury, a former Young Labor President and who started his career on Penrith City Council at the ripe old age of 21, has been prodding and paving the way for former Liberal and now independent local councillor and real estate tycoon Jim Aitken to run for the state seat of Penrith. The seat is currently held by two term MP Karyn Paluzzano, however Mrs. Paluzzano belongs to the NUW faction of NSW Labor and is no friend of the TWU backed Bradbury.

Bradbury plays a dangerous game with Aitken. Aitken is to the right of Dick Cheney and local Laborites can’t stand him. Bradbury could find the local branchies up in arms if they find out about his latest plotting and planning to get an anti-Labor figure to challenge a sitting ALP state member.

The Liberal battle for the seat of Lindsay began in earnest on Thursday night with Joe Hockey speaking at fundraiser for Marise Payne at Penrith Panthers. The front runner and leader of the David Clarke hard right in Lindsay, Ben Goldfinch, was absent giving the moderates favoured candidate former newspaper editor Bernard Bratusa a clear run at potential donors and pre-selectors. Other potential candidates in the room were Councillors Robert Ardill and Ross Fowler.

Chevron have created a charming little game called Energyville. You’re given a little city, and you have to supply the energy needs of your citizens — very SimCity. Only problem? You can’t progress past level one unless one of your major energy sources is petrol.