Fail doesn’t get more epic than Planet Janet’s blog in the Oz today, comparing Barack Obama and Noel Pearson. Because they’re both orators..and…they’re um…and…it’s not that they’re both black.

Not at all. A US President from urban machine politics, child of an international marriage, identified as part of a modernised, urbanised formerly enslaved populace, is totally comparable with the regional de facto leader of a remote area people, hunter-gatherer/kinship based at the time of colonisation, and dealing overwhelmingly with the challenge of that distinctive cultural collision.

Obama’s down-the-line progressive left. Pearson’s eclectic (or confused). Obama’s running the largest economy and military in the world. Pearson’s fighting a local land-use issue. Different politics different challenges different worlds.

But according to Planet he’s ‘our’ Obama. Jesus, how sickening. How utterly patronising. What better demonstration that the white right thinks of Pearson as their pet. Not Pearson’s fault, but he’s in the terrible position that his opponents accord him more respect by contesting him on ideas and strategies. His ‘friends’ still can’t get over the amazing fact that he’s bl…bl………