The Winners: Seven News averaged 1.301 million and won the night, Today Tonight was second with 1.167 million, A Current Affair was third with 1.130 million, Nine News was next with 1.064 million and the 7pm repeat of Two and a Half Men averaged 1.020 million. NCIS on Ten at 8.30pm was a repeat, but that didn’t worry 1.008 million viewers. Seven’s tennis from 7pm averaged 970,000. The two Survivor episodes on Nine at 7.30pm and 8.30pm averaged 895,000 and 897,000 respectively.
The Losers: The night generally. Especially if you happened to be trapped at home by family or circumstances, without pay TV, a digital TV or a book.
News & CA: Seven News again won nationally and in every market, but Today Tonight again lost in Sydney and Melbourne to ACA and needed big wins in Adelaide and Perth (and a small one in Brisbane) to win nationally. Ten News averaged 725,000, the late News/Sports Tonight, 323,000. The 7pm ABC News, 843,000, the summer edition of The 7.30 Report, 646,000. SBS News at 6.30pm, 165,000, the late edition, 192,000. 7am Sunrise, 304,000, 7am Today, 286,000.
The Stats: For the free to air networks, Seven won All People 6pm to midnight overnight with a combined share of 32.8% from Nine with 27.1%, Ten with 19.9%, the ABC with 13.1% and SBS with 7.1%. Seven won all five metro markets and leads the week with 30.7% from Nine with 27.6%.
Including Pay TV with its 83 measured channels and more than 20 ‘other’ channels, Seven won with a combined share of 26% for its two channels, from Nine with 21.5%, Pay TV with 18.2%, Ten with 15.7%, the ABC 10.4% with its three channels and SBS, 5.6% with two channels. Free To Air TV had a national share of 81.8%. Seven won all five metro markets as well. It was Pay TV’s first loss of the week in Sydney.
On regional areas a win also to Prime/7Qld with 31.2% from WIN/NBN with 24.2%, Southern Cross (Ten) on 22.3%, the ABC with 14.0% and SBS with 8.4%.
Digitally: 7TWO won with 3.1% (leaving Seven’s main channel with 29.7%), from Nine’s GO on 3.0% (24.1% for the main channel), ABC 2 on 1.4% (ABC 3 on 0.5% and ABC 1 on 11.1%). Ten’s ONE averaged 0.8%, with Ten’s main channel on 19.1%. SBS TWO averaged 0.8% (tying with ONE) and SBS ONE, 6.3%.
TONIGHT: Tennis for the sleep deprived. There’s a new Inspector Rex in Rome on SBS at 7.30 pm then a repeat of the old Vienna version straight after. Nine has a dance program that will bore for the world. Ten has The 7pm Project (which had the unfortunate Steve Price on last night. Why when it is supposed to be aiming at a younger demo?). It also has Futurama, Simpsons and The Cleveland Show. Will anyone over 17 be watching? Go digital, go Pay TV or better still, get a life and go out (that’s unless you like tennis).
Source: OzTAM, TV Networks reports
“””or better still, get a life and go out (that’s unless you like tennis).”””
Amen, the standard of TV now is disgusting even during ratings periods, I think the new generation have now taken over, the new generation that lacks tact, taste, conscious and judgement are now in charge with their only target being ad dollars.
They don’t realise that if they concentrate more on quality content they will get more viewers, or perhaps their target audience are now their peers who have also grown up with no taste, tact, conscious or judgement.
As Barry Humphries would say “where have all the nice people gone”