Former John Della Bosca supporter and ministerial adviser Deborah O’Neill has announced her intention to challenge Belinda Neal for federal preselection in Robertson.

David Jones will be watching Myer’s sales results closely this week as there are a few rumblings within the ranks of the so-called upmarket department store. With yet another “coffee and a sandwich” fashion show (while Myer hosts a nighttime event again), some of DJ’s stable of top designers are rumoured to be knocking on the door of Myer after it took its key designers over to LA in an effort to support them overseas and stamp its fashion credentials as the home of the best local talent. Perhaps some of our Aussie designers will no longer be at “no other department store”

Interesting to see the fallout of the LNP leadership challenge in Queensland. There has been speculation that deputy leader Lawrence Springborg and his long-time adviser Jake Smith were doing some stalking via Beaudesert MP Aidan McLindon. However, it is another figure that was also involved. That third party is McLindon’s own staff member.  McLindon’s adviser has been seen often meeting and dining with Smith, a known culinary aficionado . It seems the stalking horses have been sent in on several levels.

With significant price increases predicted Medibank Private has worked out a nice little earner to minimise the lost revenue from those renewing their cover before the price increases take effect. According to the operator, if you paid last year’s bill using Bpay or POSTbillpay three or less days before the due date, or shortly after the due date, then this year’s invoice is only for six months. There’s no mention of this policy on the six-month invoice. Medibank Private then gets to pick up the increase for the second six months.It does  offer the 12-month payment option but there’s no mention of that either on the renewal invoice. You have to contact them for the annual invoice amount.

Re. the Glover and politicians first names. We ABC people are actually instructed not to use their first names only, but to use full name, or title (Minister, etc). Perhaps Glover is “such a star” these rules don’t apply to him!

Re. the tip in yesterday’s Crikey, the NSW Police Minister is Michael Daley, not Michael Delaney. Whoever sent this in looks a bit dim since they’re correcting Richard Glover for calling him Michael instead of Minister. At least he got his name right!

Over two years ago Triple M (led by program director Guy Dobson) axed its highest rating show Get This. This show out-rated everything on Triple M, and lifted the station three or four positions in the ratings every time it was on. It was also a ground-breaking show, and is still referred to fondly when people discuss the demise of the once great station. Its axing was blamed by Dobson on the required diversion of funds to boost the Triple M breakfast shows. Since then, Triple M has plunged to the bottom of the commercial ratings table, has had numerous failed breakfast shows in  Sydney and Melbourne, but, two years after axing, old broadcasts of Get This are in the overall top 100 podcasts at iTunes. Oh, and Guy Dobson was promoted to CEO of Austereo. Talk about failing up.

Re: internal ructions at The Wilderness Society, check their latest official tweet:

Fascinating isn’t it how Minister Conroy gets his knickers in a twist every time someone makes a few relevant points about his vainglorious internet filter. His response yesterday to Bernard Keane’s article is/was a joke. He seems unable to make his point in a concise manner and then accuses all of us who oppose him for getting the story wrong — when in fact he seems to have major personal communications difficulties. How ironic given his job title. Anyway, we can all spin and counter spin — until the cows come home.

The real questions he needs to answer are:

  • Why is Conroy doing this?
  • Who has influenced/driven him and what do they get in return?
  • What are the real costs/benefits of his scheme?
  • What was actually agreed by his boss?

And before he responds with more BS —  he might like to consider the possibility that someone already knows the answers 🙂