My love of radio truly began in my high school years, with Tony Delroy’s midnight 25-question quiz “The Challenge” (ABC Local Radio). It was always welcome company when I was up late doing a last-minute essay (often).
These days, I’m not a big live listener, but I am a podcast girl. It’s a pretty daggy technology really: download, listen. But that’s what’s so lovely about it. For a while my listening consisted of one show, Slate‘s Political Gabfest — perfect for the ins and outs of US politics with a dose of humour.
Now I’ve got an iPhone (this is not a spruik; no it does not sparkle in the sunlight), I’ve branched out, wandering into all kinds of new offerings. And I have a new favourite: The History of Rome. Like the Gabfest, it takes a complex story and, episode by episode, weaves it into the most engaging tale, from the start of the Roman Empire to the end.
I jumped in at Caesar’s death (that’s the good thing about history, it’s a bit hard to spoil the story) and have been hooked since. Mike Duncan narrates the story and, I don’t know how he does it, but it’s as seamless as if he’s reading from a book, yet with the flair of a raconteur at a campside fire.
But there’s thousands to chose from. A quick survey of the Crikey office found favourites included This American Life, All Songs Considered, The New Yorker Out Loud and, locally, community station RRR’s The Spin. For Aussie wrestling chat (no, we’re not interested either, but First Dog on the Moon is) try The DCW Variety Hour. And Crikey‘s own Canberra Calling — returning soon!
Huh. No reader suggestions yet? How about also checking out NPR’s ‘Its All Politics’.
Another interesting political podcast focussing primarily upon domestic US issues. Ken Rudin especially is a gem.