
We’ve gone a little bit movie mad at Crikey today. With the Oscars on Monday (12pm AEST time) and the announcement of the final winners in Crikey’s Golden Choc-Top Awards, we’re more excited than l’il Orphan Annie the time when Grace and Daddy Warbucks suggested “let’s go to the movies”. *

Why not get prepped so that you can watch the Oscars and know what you’re talking about. You’ve got better things to do tonight? Like what, see sunlight? Why not just read the reviews for nominated films and actor/actresses instead. Here are Luke Buckmaster’s reviews for the 10 flicks nominated for Best Film:

Avatar: Blockbustepic
The Blind Side: Bullock is bollocks in syrupy sports movie codswallop
District 9: innovative pulse-pounding SCI-FI
An Education: (not reviewed, don’t worry, won’t win)
The Hurt Locker: white knuckle warfare
Inglourious Basterds: gimmicky bastardry
Precious: outstanding feats of acting
A Serious Man: compellingly Coen
Up: soaring CGI
Up in the Air: Clooney, Reitman fly high

Bleary-eyed Buckmaster’s full list of reviews can be found here. Or you could just get ahead for 2010 and watch the trailer for Wog Boy 2: King of Mykonos

* strained and thoroughly gratuitous movie musical reference