It’s Kevin “Dr Death” Rudd vs. Tony “The Mad Monk” Abbott in what is set to be the biggest, most controversial slug-fest Australia has seen since Johnny Famechon defeated Fighting Harada in 1969. But expect more blood this time.

Visually, it may look like a battle of the 97-pound weaklings, but when it comes to oratorical prowess, both political pugilists punch well above their weight.

Crikey‘s crack team of commentators, including Croakey blogger Melissa “The Sweet Swatter” Sweet and Richard “The Canberra Flash” Farmer, will be liveblogging the entire bout at The Stump from 12:30pm today.

At the pre-fight weigh-in, the fighters throw some early punches:

Kevin Rudd

SMAge: Tough task, tough decisions, but it’s time for action

Herald Sun: Patients will not be shunted around

Tony Abbott

SMAge: Healthcare needs more beds, not more red tape

Herald Sun: We need more beds, not bureaucrats

As some minor undercard bout takes place across the pond, the pundits have gathered ringside, ready to land a few blows of their own:

The Australian

Christine Jackman: PM goes rogue on high-risk strategy

… opinion remains sharply divided in Labor ranks and beyond about whether the Prime Minister’s tactic was flair or folly.

Samantha Maiden: Is the Worm friend or foe?

Gillard: “What are your legs?”

Rudd: “Springs. Steel springs!”

Sydney Morning Herald

Lenore Taylor: Weaving target proves hard to hit

Even a full hour at the press club will be judged as much on presentation – where Abbott must be seen to have the starting-line advantage – as on who wins the head-to-head combat on the finer points of casemix hospital funding.

Gerard Henderson: High jobless youth numbers fit under the health umbrella, too

Kevin Rudd challenged Tony Abbott to a debate on health at the National Press Club today, the invitation was accepted and no fewer than 11 journalists decided to join in.

Daily Telegraph

Simon Benson: Kevin’s ‘winner’ not over the line

Call it a coincidence, but both Mike Rann and David Bartlett were the two Labor Premiers who stood apart from the others in both unquestioningly backing Rudd’s plan.

And both of them got well and truly whacked by voters.


The Punch, Nicola Roxon: What exactly are your plans for health Mr Abbott?

… the Opposition’s plans for our health system remain shrouded in mystery.

What’s your prediction for today’s big punch-up? A 15-round war, or first-round KO?