The rout of Belinda Neal’s forces in Robertson is complete. Though it must also be said that she can never be counted on to fade away into the background and just take her medicine.

On Wednesday night, the AGM for the Robertson FEC was held, and Belinda’s crew, having considered the numbers beforehand, didn’t even put up any candidates for the positions on offer! Honest brokers, those sympathetic to the new candidate for Robertson, Deb O’Neill, and even those who have been shouted down before by Belinda’s people as being from that scourge of NSW Labor, from the days when Belinda and John Della Bosca ruled the roost, the ‘Left’, were successful. So, we now have as our FEC President, Chris Bowen’s father, Ross Bowen.

Senior vice-president is councillor and former mayor of Gosford and NSW state president of the ETU, Jim Macfadyen. Treasurer remains former teacher John Gifford. Secretary is Young Labor firebrand and Deb O’Neill supporter Mark Smith. Assistant secretary is former candidate for Robertson and Belinda Neal foe Trish Moran.

Returning officer and political policy officer is Norman Hanscombe, former president of the Ourimbah-Narara Valley branch and the one who started the ball rolling for the preselection of a new federal candidate.

In the aftermath of the Red Bull Air Race accident during training, ask CASA and Channel Seven about the Seven News helicopter violating controlled airspace and ignoring ATC instructions in order to get footage of the scene.

Hot on the heels … of Sigma Pharmaceuticals CEO Elmo de Alwis‘ resignation, the smart money is on Sigma chairman John Stocker raiding the two major competitors (API and Symbion) for a replacement. Names such as Stephen Roche and Richard Vincent are swirling around.

Re. the Wynne Prize 2010. It would seem this is a complete debacle and Crikey‘s parody is too true. But can anyone shed light on the history of this prize? Was it established under a trust. If which case what are the terms of the Deed of Trust. Is the award of this year’s prize outside the terms of the trust? Are the trustees in breach? If so how will they rectify the breach? Perhaps once we know this, Mr Capon will not be so cavalier. A cautionary tale perhaps for anybody considering a bequest for an art prize at the NSW Art Gallery.