UPDATE: Troy Buswell has resigned.

It’s always funny when politics meets a sex scandal, but nobody’s laughing after WA treasurer Troy Buswell admitted to misusing public funds in a sexual affair with Greens MP Adele Carles.

Now that Buswell’s been busted spending public money on motels and ministerial cars, he’s promised to pay it back, while Carles has offered up the dates of the affair to prove it didn’t interfere with her voting.

Buswell managed to weather snapping the bra of a pregnant ALP staffer and the infamous chair sniffing (key details of his career are here), but is this misuse of public funds the final straw?

There is much talk that WA premier Colin Barnett will be meeting Buswell this morning to fire him.

So will he resign or will Barnett fire him? Or will he manage to hold on, since the state budget is so close? And has Carles crossed the ultimate political line?

Here’s what the pundits are saying:

The West Australian

Robert Taylor: Short, spectacular career in tatters

The man who entered Parliament just five years ago with Future Premier stamped on his forehead imploded in spectacular fashion through a string of indiscretions, the cumulative weight of which eventually proved too great for even his most ardent supporters.

The Sunday Times

Joe Spagnolo: Why the Treasurer should be sacked

Premier Colin Barnett has to sack Mr Buswell.

Or at the very least Mr Barnett must launch an independent inquiry into this scandal.

The Australian

Peter van Onselen: Barnett will sacrifice more if he doesn’t sack Buswell

If, by the end of today, Barnett hasn’t sacked his Treasurer, he will pay a high political price for the lack of judgment.

James Jeffrey: Swell party it was

Amid the hurt inflicted, at least we could congratulate the nation’s most famous snedger from moving on; Strewth does not adhere to the Elvis Presley “If you can’t find a partner use a wooden chair” school of thought and we think Buswell’s actions represented progress. Of sorts.

The Daily Telegraph

Malcolm Farr: Sleeping with the political enemy

And when the object of your carnal desires is a man who would betray every tenet of the Green sisterhood—chair-sniffing Troy himself—you are personally in big political trouble as well as personal strife.

WA Today

Chalpat Sonti: What a difference a day makes – why Buswell must go

The Premier will have already made a decision by this morning. There can be only one verdict.