There will be a number of nervous politicians today in the wake of the David Campbell scandal. Not that anyone should be surprised.

The NSW transport minister resigned from his ministerial post last night after a Channel Seven news crew filmed him coming out of a well-known Sydney gay sauna, Ken’s at Kensington. The media is reveling in revealing each sordid detail of the sexual activity inside.

It appears that the justification of outing Campbell was that he used his ministerial car to journey to and from the gay sex on premises venue. However under NSW parliament rules Campbell has full rights to the car, including private travel.

The fact that the Seven crew stalked the gay sauna waiting like vultures to attack their prey has sent shivers down the back of other politicians who lead double lives.

What I would like to know is who dobbed Campbell in and told Seven he would be frequenting the gay sauna? Surely not the good folk at Ken’s at Kensington?

There is a time-honored code within the NSW sex industry to never reveal customers’ identities as doing so would be a serious breach of privacy. It would also be the death knell of the sex venue concerned as no one would ever return for fear of being outed.

Back in 2007 I reported for Crikey about the code and that I knew the names of five current and former NSW pollies that frequented brothels and sex on premises venues. Campbell was one of them.

Ian, the owner of Sydney’s leading gay brothel Knight Call Male Escorts told Crikey this morning that bi-sexual married men marry for the sake of their family, thus living a double life.

“They can use a brothel to release their gay needs. In turn this may decrease the amount of divorces relating to finding out your husband is gay”, he said.

He said most of the bi-sexual married men were in the 40-plus age bracket and came from a variety of backgrounds, including high-end leaders in the corporate world, movie stars and entertainers.

He also mentioned that many were from TV stations. We dare not mention their names…

Update: Originally in this article Ken’s at Kensington was referred to as a brothel. This is not true, it is a sex on premises venue.