This just in from Mumbrella:

Vic Roads’ controversial ‘Don’t Be A D-ckhead’ road safety campaign has been cleared by the Advertising Standards Board despite an avalanche of complaints. Many of the complaints focused on the fact that redheads were made figures of fun in the series of ads.

But the Board ruled: “…the Code does not refer to hair colour or physical attributes of a person and considered that having red hair is not a disability.”

Which must be a relief to the Coalition. B Loughnane and co, you’re in the clear.


As Barnaby Joyce put it most eloquently on Q&A last night: “Nobody wants to see you beat up on a chick — it’s a bad look.”

But with the bookies pointing their wallets at a late August election, it’s time for the Liberal Party to hastily dispense with 50,000 Rudd stress balls and get gingeing.

Just one question: how do you top Kevin O’Lemon?

(Advertising suggestions for the Coalition based on the ginge theme to please.)