Joe Hockey returns from virtual silence to jump in to the campaign head first, showing he’s down with the kids well enough to know that Paris is so retro she’s back in now and there’s nothing the jugend like better than a bad Paris Hilton joke…

Tony Abbott hasn’t got lose to parity as yet with Julia Gillard, but the campaign official only started halfway through this measurement week — he should be nearer next week. He’ll be hoping the favourability improves massively too, because he’s certainly copped a hiding from most of the Gallery in the first few days of the campaign.

Andrew Robb is the other main mover, seen mainly looking askance at both his leader and the shadow treasurer … no point complaining now Andrew, the current line-up probably couldn’t have happened without you.

Barnaby Joyce and Malcolm Turnbull are sticking to their own patches and are so far looking the most effective opposition campaigners by far. It all became about the Opposition pretty quickly, didn’t it?


Talkback was not great for either leader in the early days of the campaign, and it certainly has been presidential so far with only the leaders and the recent PM getting any major level of discussion.


Okay, so we’ve had plenty of economic good times, but its tough to be Generation X sometimes, watching your childhood heroes unravel one by one.
