The scruffy crap looking document you see below is my new Electoral Organis-o-matic. It has been hastily cobbled together out of a spare copy of the hugely popular First Dog On The Moon 2010 calendar and is exactly what I need in order to keep an eye on which day it is in this horrid beige election and how much longer there is to go also.
It turns out that for the last two days, I have numbered blog posts and Bandicoot Interpretations as Day 11. Written yesterday, which was day 11 unless you are reading this today in which case it is/will be day 12. I have no idea at all. So that’s three day 11’s in a row which feels right considering the interminable interminableness of the campaign. Hence the Organis-o-matic. I shall update it at my leisure which I have none of.
How useful! Now I know when everything sort of is.
First Dog, there seems to be an oversight: my birthday fails to appear on the Organis-o-matic. Of course I realise it’s an electoral calendar but that’s no reason to ignore the important things.