Heath goes willingly from Age‘s A2. Age editor Paul Ramadge’s curious speech at A2 section chief Sally Heath’s farewell drinks last Thursday left some journos wondering whether their boss was suffering from a severe bout of disingenuousness. But the actual event was far more prosaic, Heath told Crikey this morning.

Crikey was startled to hear Ramadge began his monologue with the phrase “…I’m not sure how we got to this point”, when it could plausibly be suggested his installation of Michelle Griffin as Deputy Editor (Arts) directly resulted in Heath’s shift to Louise Adler’s Melbourne University Press (Griffin will now edit A2 in Heath’s place). Not so, says Heath, who claims Ramadge handled the shake-up “graciously” and that she still “loved” the paper.

It’s understood the 20-year Fairfax veteran was offered a range of alternative roles, including a job as a general reporter on The Sunday Age (which she previously deputy-edited) but decided to opt for a redundancy instead. While the deadline for the paper’s current round had technically expired, Ramadge made special dispensation and later that night the well-connected Adler rang to request a sit-down chat.

In her parting salvo to Age staff, Heath, who is married to former Crikey editor Jonathan Green, recounted countless hits and memories, including an anecdote that shocked then-junior journalist Lucy Beaumont. An irate Heath, admonishing an unnamed sparring partner, decided to blurt out the word “c-nt”, to which Beaumont tartly requested that she “never use that word again” in the newsroom.

Heath will take up the role of associate publisher at MUP next Monday, a gig she described as “a publisher in training wheels”. We wish her well. — Andrew Crook

Tony and Julia in the bedroom. The election is dominating news coverage today. And, according to both The Age and Sydney Morning Herald websites, people’s sex lives…

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Asia Pacific fellowships for journalists. The Melbourne-based Asia Pacific Journalism Centre is offering a new Asia Pacific Dialogue Fellowships program for journalists in the region. Inspired by the highly regarded US Jefferson Fellowships, the fellowships provide an opportunity for five Australian journalists to take part in a three-week dialogue and study tour program with five journalists from other countries in the region. The program is supported by grants from Dame Elisabeth Murdoch and the Myer Foundation.

The inaugural program, to be held in November, has the theme ‘Challenges to stability and development in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore’ and will be led by documentary film maker, lecturer and former Jakarta correspondent for SBS Television, Dr Nigel McCarthy. Applications close on September 15. Further details on the APJC website.

Reinvent the press — and democracy. We have to keep reinventing the press because it is tied up with the roots of democracy. That’s a timely thought. It is contained in this interview with USA journalism academic Jay Rosen, who was visiting Melbourne last week. He has some entertaining observations on our political journalists as well. Worth a look. — Margaret Simons

Will we ever get to sleep in?

“Media companies could enjoy another election-driven bonanza after Saturday’s extraordinary federal election.” — The Australian

Sydney’s most famous Tran

“Australia’s queen of YouTube, Natalie Tran, is one of just 10 independent YouTube stars around the world who made more than $US100,000 from the site in the past year.” — The Age

Could Chatroulette v.2 mean less nudity?

“…there were plans to filter out nudity in Chatroulette… Let’s all kneel down and pray for a minute for that filter to be a new feature tomorrow.” — Tech Bitts

No longer luck of the Irish

“…official ABC sales statistics covering the first six months of this year … confirm that printed papers [in Ireland] are suffering circulation declines that are not entirely dissimilar to those in Britain.” — The Guardian

Newton to rehab?

“Seven Network issued a statement saying his health is the reason Newton has been forced to withdraw from the much-heralded show [The X Factor]. In April, Newton — son of showbiz couple Bert and Patti Newton — spent 28 days in Melbourne’s Malvern Private Hospital, which specialises in drug and alcohol issues.” — ABC News