Climate change was not the only pachyderm in the room during the elections. Australian racism has also been lurking, scratching its head with its trunk and wondering why no-one seems able to see it.
The UN Committee that monitors breaches of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (the CERD Committee) will report on its examination of Australia this weekend. Consideration of Australia’s 15th to 17th reports took place during the pre-election caretaker period.
Judging by the criticism that UN human rights mechanisms have previously directed at Australia, the Committee could be expected to give the government another serve. Amongst other things, it can be expected to request urgent revision of the Northern Territory Intervention because it still discriminates against Indigenous Australians.
It can also be expected to request the government end the discriminatory treatment of asylum seekers who arrive by boat, and to provide them with access to the same system of administrative justice available to on-shore applicants. It can be expected to request an end to mandatory indefinite detention for asylum seekers.
By signing human rights treaties the government pledges to abide by certain standards of behaviour. It pledges to protect the rights and freedoms the international community has recognised as those required by a civilised state. The CERD treaty prohibits:
“…any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.”
Both Labor and Liberal governments have shared policies that violate this prohibition.
The Greens have provided almost a lone voice in arguing for change. Will the caretaker government, the opposition or the independents join with the Greens in asking for prompt action to clean up race-based discrimination in Australia? If not now, when?
*Until recently, Robyn Seth-Purdie worked for a human rights organisation. She has now returned to practice as an independent consultant.
I’m led to believe Australia wouldn’t accept human rights claims from U.K. residents who fear for their lives because their families were on the ‘wrong’ side during the Norman invasion. Australian bureaucrats apparently maintain things have settled down there since 1066, but surely this is a subjective opinion?
After all, such judgments are in the eyes of the beholder, which may be why we’ve tended to see each of the numerous new ‘rights’ discovered during my lifetime to ( suddenly) have become ‘self evident’?
And sadly, both Labor and Coalition govts will continue on with their racist behaviour! The Greens and Socialist Alliance people, plus some good Independents are the only ones with any credibility re anti-racist opinions and policies. Shameful! I believe the greatest threat to the problems facing indigenous people in this country is racism. This is also evident re asylum seeker polices, immigration and treatment of workers under the 457 arrangements. Again, shameful!
To me, this situation is one of the disgraces which led to the Green/Independent/Informal rush a couple of weeks back.
I, for one, do not agree with the current policies of Government or Opposition. The first two items on the UN’s list of things to do should be:
1. Urge/demand that Governments of all persuasions and levels within Australia promote real human rights to all; and
2. Adopt and promote a Bill of Rights as a local reference point to indicate and support the UN conventions on human rights.
Of course, the Intervention and immigration issues are well worthy of places.
If only abstract ideas were a tad easier to grasp, there wouldn’t be so many quaint comments from well-meaning people, and issues might even end up being analysed, as opposed to ‘true believers’ of all stipes merely exchanging slogans; but I guess that’s a bridge too far?
@NORMAN – And what do you classify as “abstract ideas” “quaint comments” and who in your view are the “true believers” and why don’t you do some analysing yourself instead of just putting nebulous ‘thoughts’ here. Who’s “merely exchanging slogans” and how close is your “bridge”?
For over 200 yrs, ingrained racism has been in operation; for too many years it’s been fostered and fed by racist mainstream media, usually for their own interests also, and usually to provide a basis that will allow successive govts, state, federal and territory, to steal resources, and pay indigenous people as little as possible for them. It’s easier to steal and engage in racist practices if you demean the people first. Hitler proved that – and it worked for him?
The fact that the numbers of applications for mining leases has increased from approx 180 to well over 400 from early 2007 until recent times, just might provide a basis for honest analysis? The fact that less than a handful of people have even been arrested for child sexual abuse, let alone been convicted. Too bad about the overwhelming majority of indigenous men who’ve been tarnished to the point of terrible depression by the lies of govts and media combined! Who cares anyway?
Too bad that the federal govt is using almost slave labour of aboriginal people, in return for Centrelink payments, half of which is quarantined. These people are working side by side with non aboriginal people, who are being paid by the appropriate award. What part of ‘non racist policy’ is that? How come raw sewerage can be pumped out near a school in the top end, without any effort to take appropriation actions re health and safety, but if it happened in my street, emergency services would be spraying it with disinfectant just as a precaution, prior to children and the elderly being removed to safety? How’s that for discrimination? This happened in 2009 not 100 yrs ago!
The incidence of alcohol abuse was exaggerated among aboriginal people, when we all know, that even taking differences in numbers, the overwhelming number of people who abuse alcohol are non-indigenous people. But if msm always use the same film every time they cover a story from the NT, they create a reality of drunken aboriginal layabouts, and that justifies removing the Anti-Racial Discrimination Act? How many homes have been built in the top end; how many older homes have been renovated/repaired, and how has school attendance improved, when kids with serious illnesses(ear infections/hearing loss) been given specialist attention?
I’ve maintained for a long time now, that the Federal govt should engage in an educational television program that answers the myths and rubbish that too many of us see or hear on a regular basis. Why haven’t any of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Black deaths in Custody been implemented, and why weren’t the recommendations of the Little Children Are Sacred report also not been implemented. The main one being, that indigenous people should be engaged, consulted and involved in all actions! This report was used by Howard to help remove aboriginal people from their land; to use his Amendments to Native Title to use aboriginal land for other ‘means’ to wit, mining and a nuclear waste dump!
Let’s see it for what it is. It’s obvious, that both(Howard/Rudd) federal govts have used this report for their own ‘needs and wants’ and what is now happening to aboriginal people is as bad if not worse than at any other time in our history. Fortunately, a lying and willing msm are being confronted. Many of us, and thankfully the numbers are growing, can see clearly what is happening and why. That’s why The Greens vote in the NT on 21st Ausgust was the highest ever. Many Unions and individuals are joining them!
I welcome the UN report, and successive govts should be ashamed of themselves. The good work of the apology is just a dim memory in the reality of too many indigenous people. Talk’s cheap, the reality is disgraceful, and I feel ashamed, very angry and disappointed in a Labor govt! I expect better!