The UK Telegraph, April 5: Chief reporter and assistant editor at News of the World arrested over phone hacking
Neville Thurlbeck, the News of the World’s chief reporter, and Ian Edmondson, a former assistant editor who was recently sacked over the affair, were questioned after presenting themselves at separate London police stations…
Mr Edmondson, 42, was sacked in January after emails were discovered that allegedly suggested he was aware of the hacking.
Transcripts of voicemail messages obtained by private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were said to have been sent via email under the heading “This is the transcript for Neville”, a possible reference to Mr Thurlbeck, 50.
The men were held on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications and unlawfully intercepting voicemail messages. They were released on police bail to return in September. It is understood that their homes were also searched. Both deny any wrongdoing.
The Globe and Mail, April 5: Two arrested in relation to British phone-hacking scandal
News International … said it was co-operating with the police.
“In January, News International voluntarily approached the Met Police and provided information that led to the opening of the current police investigation,” it said in a statement. “News International has consistently reiterated that it will not tolerate wrong-doing and is committed to acting on evidence.”, April 5: Press Awards 2011: Guardian named newspaper of the year
The News of the World also won four awards, with Stephen Moyes named Showbiz Reporter of the Year, Mazher Mahmood named News Reporter of the Year, its Fabulous magazine named Supplement of the Year and its cricket corruption story named Scoop of the Year.
In order to preserve his anonymity, Mahmood was not on hand to collect his award, which was accepted by News of the World editor Colin Myler instead.
Time, May 24, 2010: How Britain’s King of Sting Nabbed the Duchess of York
[Mazher Mahmood] is often held up as an example of the worst of British journalism, which critics claim will resort to any tactic, no matter how legally or ethically dubious, to net exclusive stories in what remains a fiercely competitive industry. However, others claim he carries out a highly legitimate role in exposing the rich and powerful when they deserve it and bringing villains, including drug dealers, pedophiles, arms dealers and corrupt officials, to justice.
What I would love to know is what Murdoch knew and when he knew it.
And the point is … ?