Jim Schembri:

Simon Wilkins writes: Re. “Fairfax film critic Schembri and the mystery of the Twitter time machine” (yesterday, item 13). This victimisation of Jim Schembri must stop. Clearly this noble, selfless man has all our best interests at heart.

In these times of Aussie battlers doing it tough JS provides a valuable service to save people money. I personally must have saved over $500 dollars (and 60 hours) in the last year just by reading his column. Alas, JS is not syndicated, so our poor American cousins have had to resort to public posters which feature the words “starring Adam Sandler” to achieve the same effect.

Besides, if there really was a DeLorien time machine available to them, surely any film critic worth their inches would have gone back in time and killed George Lucas before he could release his Jar Jar Binks plague on an unsuspecting population.

The markets:

Frank Burton writes: Re. “Morning Market Report” (yesterday, item 20).In yesterday’s report, the following appears:

“Origin Energy (ORI) has sold $1.17bn of new shares to retail shareholders as part of their $2.3bn equity raising announced in March. They said 79% of the offered shares were taken up under the retail offer. ORI down 1% to 2676c”

Shareholders would wish this were true. Try about $16.76 (or $16.12 at time of writing).

This is nearly as bad as Channel 10 Sydney last week which listed Telstra at $26.72 on the five PM news — not $2.72.