Meanwhile, in the Motherland, The Guardian reports:
The UK is to put in place the most ambitious targets on greenhouse gases of any developed country, by halving carbon dioxide emissions by 2025, after a tumultuous week of cabinet rifts on the issue.
Agreeing the targets took weeks of wrangling among ministers, but late on Tuesday afternoon the energy and climate secretary, Chris Huhne, announced to parliament that the “carbon budget” — a 50% emissions cut averaged across the years 2023 to 2027, compared with 1990 levels — would be enshrined in law.
Reaction has been swift, and pertinent. Take this comment from Connie Hedegaard, the European Union’s climate-change chief:
“This is a recognition that to be very ambitious on public spending [cuts] does not mean you can’t be ambitious on climate-change targets.”
And from David Kennedy, chief executive of the Committee on Climate Change advising the government on policy:
“This is going to deliver higher [economic] growth for the UK. It could well give us lower electricity prices in the future than our competitors.”
Higher growth. Lower household costs. Within budget. Halving emissions within two decades. And all from a conservative British government.
Still reckon Australia is acting alone, Tony?
Great news. How do they plan to do it?
‘Still reckon Australia is acting alone, Tony?’
I prefer to think that it’s actually Tony acting alone.
Zut, I prefer to think that’s it’s actually Tony acting, period!
Hey, Tony isn’t acting that’s how he really is.
If he is the next prime minister, we are in deep trouble, the present mob aren’t real spectacular, but the alternative is worse.
Remember Howard ruling by default, because the alternative was worse, hopefully one day we will get a good lot of politicians, but don’t hold your breath
Dr Harvey M Tarvydas
RS Tony Abbott is no fool and much more than an actor. He and his main team, he’s guiding their techniques closely, are experts at playing the fools around them while the government stresses to do a top and honest days work and he knows how to set up predicably yielding sinister psychological scenario’s.
A perfect example(s) of yield was at yesterdays National Press Club Address.
1. Joe Hockey answering finance maths questions with the in-depth revealing ‘we stand by our numbers’ till it started sounding regal and its intellectual patheticness was allowed to melt away.
2. Joe Hockey on budget ineptness screaming ‘their budget predictions blew out $10 billion 6 months ago’ over and over giving elite journos many opportunities to ask if he was really saying “the worst floods in Queensland, more in Victoria, NSW and WA top and bottom, so what, we’re not paying, ask China to fix your pathetic damage and lives”.
What’s to know what you can get away with as smart as?