A better educated lot. You are far more likely to find yourself sitting next to a tertiary educated spectator at  cricket match than at the footy. That’s the finding from figures published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics this morning on spectators at sporting events. And the least educated sporting attendees? Motor sports.

Cricket had the highest proportion of employed attendees who were managers and professionals (38%). It’s probably no surprise that soccer had the highest proportion of spectators born outside of Australia (25%).

No rate rise expected here. No interest rate rise is expected in Australia when the Reserve Bank next meets. The markets measured by the Crikey Interest Rate Indicator have the likelihood of the official rate remaining unchanged at 91.7%

Surely it’s a joke. I read this morning that politicians now think that works of art in galleries should carry PG, M and R+ ratings to stop children being exposed to “crude” artworks. Surely this is just a joke and not a serious recommendation.