Front page of the day. Today’s NT News reports that US President Barack Obama has taken out crocodile insurance ahead of his brief Top End visit:

News Ltd finds no wrongdoing after phone-hack review

“A review of News Limited’s editorial expenses has found no evidence of phone tapping or bribing public officials, according to a statement from the company.” — mUmBRELLA

Phone hacking: ‘nearly 30 NI staff named in Mulcaire notes’

“The names of 28 News International employees appear in notebooks belonging to Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator who worked for the News of the World, the Leveson inquiry into press standards heard on its first day at London’s high court.” — The Guardian

Defamation win against Underbelly

“Former NSW policewoman Wendy Hatfield has won a defamation case against Underbelly producers Screentime, TCN Channel Nine and Nine Network Australia.” — TV Tonight

AFR poaches News executive.

“An audacious hiring spree of staff at The Australian has continued with the Australian Financial Review Group poaching another member of staff from the national broadsheet.” — The Australian

Today, Chelsea Clinton became a journalist

“The hiring of Chelsea Clinton by NBC News was greeted with scepticism by some in the news business on Monday.” — Storify 

CNN’s citizen journalism plans expand

“Last week, CNN sacked over 50 staffers, many of them camera-lugging photojournalists, in part because it will lean more heavily on its citizen journalism outfit iReport for more, better content. With Monday’s relaunch of iReport as a ‘social network for news,’ CNN’s strategy of shifting various tasks from its paid journalists to the five-year-old network of iReporters is coming into focus.” — Atlantic Wire