It was a slow-moving, sparsely populated parade — but a Peter Slipper-inspired parade nonetheless:
The pomp of Pete’s parliamentary parade
It was a slow-moving, sparsely populated parade — but a Peter Slipper-inspired parade nonetheless:
Is that what he does every time he goes out for lunch? Also a bit of circular route.
I’m sworn to carry your burdens.
I’m all in favour of this ritual. Slipper is performing well in the House, how galling that must be to many.
Peter Slipper parade? No, I think the Clerk is the star of this show!
No doubt a study in how to keep a straight face under pressure. Well orchestrated pomp and ceremony certainly has its place, but Peter Slipper’s sudden endorsement of esteemed rules and practices after a parliamentary life of breaking them, is just a little too galling.