Frank Packers:

Kevin Taylor writes: Re. “Mayne: after 20 year attempt, Packer launches another Sydney casino push” (Wednesday, item 3). Some idea on how Sir Frank Packer kept his money: as a 15-year-old telegram boy at Double Bay — about 1960 — I saw on the front page of the Telegraph a lost and found notice for his two labradors, with a reward of £50 ($100), or about six months salary.

I found the dogs, held them in a phone box and called Sir Frank:

“Where are they?”

“In Ranfurley Road”

“Tell them to go home, they know their way from there”


Does every city need an airport rail line?:

Roger Kelly writes: Re. “The Urbanist: does every city need an airport rail line?” (yesterday, item 13). There is a viable alternative to airport rail — to either air port — in the “O-Bahn” transit system already running in Adelaide.

This would be a mere fraction of the cost and uses existing freeways, etc, as access.

Somebody should think it through.

Funding a railway to Avalon and not Tullamarine is so counter-intuitive that there has to be a second agenda. Downsizing/closing Tulla?

Both should have public transport and it may be that this progressive, achievable and affordable solution could be considered.