An attack of the Abbotts in The Fin. We’re not sure if this was a message to insert an attack on the Opposition Leader, and we hope it’s not a sign the paper’s earlier deadline means proofing copy is getting a little slack. But hacks at The Australian Financial Review will be embarrassed about this one …

Video of the day. Autotune videos just don’t stop being funny. This one cut from yesterday’s US presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is great stuff …

Investors line up to slap News Corp at AGM

“Two of the most influential shareholder advisory services have split in their recommendations to News Corp investors before what could be another stormy annual meeting for Rupert Murdoch’s media group on October 16.” — Financial Times

Big TV audience for first presidential debate

“The first of three presidential debates between President Obama and Mitt Romney reached more than 70 million viewers on Wednesday night.” — The New York Times

Facebook hits 1 billion — and the sky’s the limit

“There’s been some scepticism about Facebook lately, but the social network pioneer just passed the oh so magic 1 billion users mark.” — Forbes

Publishers declare peace in Google war

“Five large publishers have made a separate peace with Google over the inclusion of their books in Google Books, announcing a settlement that resolves the seven-year-old litigation with the search giant.” — Arts Technica