After six days of ABC-style broadcasting, the ad breaks were back on Alan Jones’ 2GB breakfast show this morning. It’ll be a relief for John Singleton and 2GB’s other shareholders — but they’ve still got a way to go before they return to the glory days when the Parrot’s show raked in an estimated $80,000 a day in ad revenue.

Most of Jones’ big-name former sponsors — including Mercedes Benz, Woolworths, Coles, Dilmah, Hyundai, Slater and Gordon, and Telstra — stayed away, obviously petrified by the “cyber-terrorism” and “cyber-bullying” being waged by Jones’ online opponents.

Among those who did book ad space, as chronicled by the Destroy the Joint group, were weight loss pill makers FATaway, Masterton Homes, Premier Cabs, Suzuki and Paul’s Warehouse.

Two hours after Jones turned off his mic, Suzuki had already bowed to the social media backlash and pulled advertising.

It’ll be fascinating to see who stays put, and who buckles, as the deluge of angry emails pour into sponsors’ inboxes today.