From Mulcher last week:

Instructive to see how the domestic MSM have mis- or under-read the meaning of the Gillard speech, now a wild success around the world … The Age, Tony Wright: “She stuck the knife into Tony Abbott for being an Alan Jones lickspittle and a misogynist. .. And so it went.” The SMH, Peter Hartcher: “All she achieved was a serious loss of credibility.” The Oz, Dennis Shanahan: “Gillard’s … presentation … risked only alienating more voters disenchanted with the grubby, hypocritical and personal abuse from both sides of parliament.”

Fairfax today: “The verdict is in. Julia Gillard’s “I will not be lectured by this man” speech has transformed the contest between two unpopular leaders, with almost one in every two female voters in today’s Age/Nielsen poll considering the Liberal leader to be sexist.”

Instructive, no? They had to read the polls to see what happened.

And we’ve read how some folk have explained the Real Meaning of Misogyny — Annabel Crabb: “But … misogyny? That’s a big call. The Oxford definition of the word is ‘hatred of women’.” Well, we’re not Oxbridge here, and even they get it. Misogyny in this context, as most of us confidently understood, was contempt and disrespect for women. Duh.