Royal phone prank

Moira A Smith writes: I assume that Michael Christian and Mel Greig have now realised there is no such thing as a “harmless prank”. This sort of behaviour at school playground level (where it belongs, if anywhere) has harmed many; in the grown-up world it can be just as harmful, as we have seen too many times recently.

Journalists do not seem to be taught to treat people with respect, and many do not seem to know any more that their job is to always expose the truth and never to lie. Micheal and Mel were clearly misled by the people who were supposed to be supervising, guiding and mentoring them in their profession. This is the same culture that led to the phone hackings. Travesties like this with their awful consequences trivialise the work of great journalists past and present.

Adrian Jackson writes: The pathetic News of the World phone hacking scandal and now the sick prank call to a London Hospital by a couple of 2Day FM radio grubs calls for action. The wimpy responses in London by James Murdoch and by the 2Day FM CEO made me cringe.

The Communications Minister must close down idiot broadcaster stations and other media that infringe civilised standards.


Michael Secomb writes: Re. “Dame Elisabeth: the end of an era of philanthropy?” (Thursday). Our rich people could learn from church members when it comes to being generous to charities. Many churchgoers routinely donate 10% of their incomes to charity, and many churches themselves tithe 10% of their incomes. For example, members of my Baptist church are supporting 86 poor children in a village in Indonesia through compassion. Not only Christians, but also many Muslims are generous givers to worthy causes.

While many rich people wallow in materialism and make token donations to charities, most churchgoers are not rich, but are on average to modest incomes, yet it is their consistent donations which sustain many charities. It is the rich who need to lift their game by copying the generous example of those less wealthy than themselves.


Scilla Rosenberg writes: Re. “On the Newfoundland rock, where federation didn’t go smoothly” (yesterday). The quote is from Andrew Marvell, not John Donne. Marvell was not only a poet but the member for Hull … another fishing port.