The largest scientific political poll undertaken in Australian history has just been released. Over the next week or so, we’ll examine it.
It was commissioned by Together — Queensland’s public sector union (caveat: my employer) — and undertaken by ReachTEL. The sample size was 36,323 conducted across all 89 Queensland electorates. The poll asked the following questions:
The Queensland state government is currently considering a major report into the way Queensland is run. This report, called the Costello Report, recommends that many public services be sold and outsourced to the private sector.
- Would you support or oppose the privatisation of electricity and infrastructure assets in Queensland?
- Would you support or oppose the privatisation and outsourcing of hospitals and public health services in Qld?
- Would you support or oppose the privatisation and outsourcing of community services such as disability support and child protection?
- If the Liberal National Party state government were to follow the recommendations of the Costello report and privatise these public services, would that make you more or less likely to vote for the Liberal National Party at the next election?
- If the Liberal National Party state government called an election to seek a mandate from the Queensland people to privatise public services, which of the following would receive your first preference vote? If you are undecided to which do you even have a slight leaning?
The state-level results can be seen over at ReachTEL, but we’ll break them down into 18 smaller groups of seat aggregations called micro-regions that have solid sample sizes. Firstly, the names of the micro-regions, the electorates they contain, and a map of the region so you can get a handle on what it actually means …
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