Ryan Gosling’s latest film, The Place Beyond the Pines, sees him reunite with director Derek Cianfrance after 2010’s acclaimed indie Blue Valentine. Eva Mendes, Bradley Coopler, Ray Liotta and Ben Mendelsohn co-star in a sprawling and unconventional story featuring Gosling in bad ass mode.
Iron Man 3, the final instalment in a blockbuster trilogy, has Robert Downey Jr. returning as the eponymous highflying hero.
The Parallax Podcast critics Luke Buckmaster and Rich Haridy discuss these two movies plus more on DVD: thriller Compliance and another Gosling venture — a gangster squad action movie called, well, Gangster Squad.
Cult film guru Zak Hepburn then joins them to discuss a characteristically odd selection: Herschell Gordon Lewis’s opus Colour Me Blood Red, about an artist who uses blood to colour his paintings. As you do.
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Isn’t Compliance based on a true story?