Workplace Minister Bill Shorten has promised a “first-class” government response to asbestos safety breaches on the taxpayer-funded NBN, while opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says both Telstra and the network’s builder, NBN Co, have questions to answer. The issue has brought both men into the media spotlight. PM Julia Gillard has accused Opposition Leader Tony Abbott of politicising a workplace issue, something that has hurt him in the past (google Bernie Banton).

Meanwhile the latest polls are scaring the horses, but Labor has trailed in opinion polls for almost the entire Parliament. With new figures showing it may lose 30-plus seats, the hope is the public might not have accepted some of Abbott’s perceived flaws. But it’s a parlous state for the PM when both sides buckle on party funding and voters punish Gillard, and Victorian polls slide on the back of Ford closures, while for any good policy news Abbott now shares the spoils; he got a decent bounce from his budget response, another step towards looking prime ministerial.

Many suggest it comes back to the ALP’s failure to communicate its big policy and economic achievements. Its key election pitch on education is one policy Abbott cannot share traction on, but messaging a difficult systemic change to better fund disadvantaged kids has not proved easy.

Voters are no longer listening, their minds are made up. So too is the Big Marn’s, whose retirement announcement drew tears from fellow climate change sceptic Tony Abbott. K-Rudd, on the other hand, tipped to hold the only safe seat in Queensland, must be smiling on the inside.

Crikey Political Index: May 30 to June 5

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell dipped in overall media mentions but got a spike on talkback for threatening Finance Minister Greg Pearce with the sack when The Daily Tele alleged Pearce was so drunk at Parliament he had to be assisted by staffers and sent home.

Talkback top five

Much social media chatter about Queensland polling that shows Treasurer Wayne Swan may lose his seat of Lilley, while K-Rudd appears safe in his.

Social media top five

Media across Australia offended the family of the late former Yothu Yindi singer by showing his full name and picture. Vale the frontman, educator, innovator, community man and global pop star.

Comparisons on media mentions