From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

Magazine CEO role up for grabs. Who is tipped to take over as CEO of Pacific Magazines when Nick Chan steps into the role of COO of Seven West Media? The very strong rumour is that NewsLifeMedia CEO Nicole Sheffield is the most likely candidate. Known to be a favourite of Chan’s, Sheffield was a publisher at Pacific Pubs before leaving for her stint running The Lifestyle Channel at XYZ, where she met Kim Williams. Sheffield was a Williams hire, and there were very strong rumours of her departure from News Limited following his. The other name we are hearing around the Pacific Publications CEO role is Gerry Reynolds, who was publishing director at Bauer Media until being abruptly shown the door a few months ago. The publishing boys’ club loves a good round of musical chairs, so if for some reason Sheffield doesn’t take on the role, the money is on Reynolds.

Toot toot to the marginal seat. The Victorian government is spending up big to separate the grade at Ormond railway station (among other railway crossings). In April this year the government announced an extra $52.3 million for the various rail projects, including “early construction works” to remove the level crossing at Ormond, which is down Caulfield way. We’ve heard from a mole who used to work for an engineering consulting firm involved in the Ormond project, who reckons a Metro staffer said the only reason Ormond was in line for an expensive facelift was “because it was a marginal seat. Drivers very rarely wait longer than five minutes at Ormond gates but the wait at Carnegie etc can be up to 20 minutes.” (The gold-plated railway station in question is on the border of three state electorates, Oakleigh, Bentleigh and Caulfield.)

Your taxes at work, Victorians.

Quiz: climate bodies. A new climate body was launched in Sydney today. The field is getting pretty crowded, so here’s a test. Do you know what these bodies are?

If you don’t know, you’ll just have do some homework. This website is a good place to start …

Crikey sighting. We love a good sighting here in the Crikey bunker. If you spot someone well-known out and about, drop us a line. Here’s one we’ve just received, to whet your appetite:

“Tony Abbott on the beach on Sunday at 6.30am at Mosman with his daughters for yet another photoshoot to prove to us all that he is not a misogynist — no one fooled Tony. still only one woman in cabinet.”

Twitter silence. Before the election, Tony Abbott was a wimmin-lovin’ tweeter. Since … well, he’s got one woman in his cabinet, and he hasn’t tweeted for 10 days. Is this the real Tony? Come on, PM — throw Crikey a tweet to keep us happy!

With KRudd keeping pretty mum on the outer and Julia Gillard being sparing with her social media, it’s dark days for Twitter’s political junkies. Which is why we celebrate Wayne Swan, who is keeping active in his semi-retirement …

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