From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

Elle: it might well be a fizzer. Word on the street and within newsagent circles is that the rebirth of the Australian Elle magazine may be a fizzer. Piles of the Bauer-produced product can be seen from the doorway and more than one newsagent has reported that the other fashion magazines are still selling at the same levels as pre-Elle.

Spotted: the chef we all should know. Which celebrity chef was spotted in the Virgin valet parking queue at Sydney airport this morning, barking “don’t you know who I am?” at the attendant because he wanted to jump the queue? Sorry chef, but quite a lot of people don’t know who you are. Tips loves a good celebrity / pollie spotting, so if you see something, send an email.

Murdoch’s advice. We’re lost for words at seeing this morning’s tweet from the News Corp supremo … did Murdoch forget to pass on this sage advice to the editors of his rags?

Troubled La Trobe? We’ve heard more from academic types after we flagged changes at Melbourne’s La Trobe uni last week (the uni told us a ‘root and branch’ review of operations was taking place). One source reckons “anti-surveillance equipment” has been in use on campus, as a senior staff member suspected someone had installed a bug. If that all sounds a little too James Bond, two other correspondents say questions are being asked around campus about a senior appointment — and whether the person in question has suitable experience. Did a job interview even take place? We’ve also heard these tidbits:

“In a bid to balance its books La Trobe university is planning to sell land, including in Bendigo.”

“La Trobe’s financial situation made worse by poor demand with VTAC student first preferences. Students have voted with their feet and there is ‘senior management panic’ that income won’t even meet the most conservative projections.”

*Heard anything that might interest Crikey? Send your tips to or use our guaranteed anonymous form