How dare you try to politicise this politicising!
First Dog On The Moon has a message from all the non-firefighting elitists in our country.
article-article-bodyFirst Dog On The Moon has a message from all the non-firefighting elitists in our country.
This. This – several thousand times. It takes a lot for one of Rupert & George’s minions to outdo Snot Morrison, but, by Pell, Greg (” does my bum look hypocritical saying this?”) Hunt has managed it. Aux armes, citoyennes – brûlez les bâtards dehors.
This is your best Firsty. The irony of he and O`Farrel, who has closed fire stations and sacked emergency services staff, reduced hospital beds and staff, offering condolences to the same people they have put in lethal danger is disgraceful. I wonder if they have claimed parliamentary allowances for their “compassion” or their “volunteering”.
Is Toady a firefighter or is he a prime minister? Or neither…
I call him the prime ministerial idiot, but I reckon DICKHEAD is closer to the truth. Onya firsty
Disingenuous muppet eh?
I salute your remarkable self restraint FD.
I don’t think the moderator would allow even
half the things that I want to call him through the filter.