Correction of the day. British cider maker H.P. Bulmer has got itself into quite the sticky situation. Bulmers wanted to highlight its heritage with an ad celebrating the foundation of the company, when Reverend CH Bulmer gave his sons Fred and Percy a loan to fund their cider-making venture …


Problem was, someone used the wrong search term for the image, or assumed that all 19th-century British white reverends look the same. The picture in the advert actually depicts Reverend Hugh Price Hughes, who spent his life trying to help alcoholics give up the demon drink. Bulmers has issued a grovelling apology in the UK’s Company magazine, where the original ad ran …

Bulmers correction

Who should be the Oz‘s Aussie of the Year. Rupert Murdoch’s national broadsheet The Australian has put out the call for its Australian of the Year for 2013. Crikey would like to nominate frequent Oz target and climate change activist Tim Flannery. Who would you nominate? Greenpeace activist Colin Russell? Greens politician Simon Sheikh? Let us know! We’re guessing the Oz won’t pick the same Person of the Year that Crikey did …

Secret benefactor? Thanks to Canberra blog RiotACT for directing us to this odd apology in The Canberra Times. We’re wondering who placed the ads if it wasn’t Pinpoint. An overzealous customer? A competitor? A punter hopeful of securing a Christmas bargain?

Pinpoint ad

Front page of the day. Most Australian papers (with the notable exception of The Age) have put Australia’s Ashes whitewash on their front pages this morning. We especially like The Courier-Mail, which has amended its masthead to celebrate the victory. We’re not surprised the paper took such an interest — no doubt its nonsensical campaign against English bowler Stuart Broad helped bolster the Aussie spirit …

Courier-Mail Ashes