Sydney lord mayor Clover Moore reckons the Tele is out to get her. We don’t know what could have given her that impression …

“Sydney council must shrink for the city to grow” — June 3

“Lord Mayor Clover Moore is fixated on fighting the Independent Local Government Review Panel’s recommendation”

“Coffee caper leaves bitter taste” — June 1

“The coffee caper has compelled George St coffee shop owner and one-term Sydney councillor Angela Vithoulkas to launch a political party in a bid to unseat the erratic Moore.”

“Meter makes millions Moore” — June 1

“Moneybags mayor Clover Moore has emerged as Sydney’s multi-millionaire meter maid and is making $123,000 a day from the very motorists she’s trying to drive out of the city.”

“Early start to City milk run” — June 1

“Ms Moore is splurging ratepayer cash on three artworks for the CBD and at least two of them are now scheduled to be built from October 1, 2016.”

“Clover plays lord latte as homeless scrape for survival” — May 25

“Cycle-crazy Lord Mayor Clover Moore intends to open a pushbike- themed cafe in Taylor Square at the staggering cost to ratepayers of $16.1 million…the question critics ask is not whether the city can afford Ms Moore’s wacky projects but rather, should it, especially at a time of demonstrable need in far more pressing areas.”

“Lord Mayor’s bad brew” — May 25

“Also typical, given the Lord Mayor’s involvement, is the extraordinary cost: about $16 million just to duplicate a service that is already supplied by hundreds of other inner Sydney businesses. The Lord Mayor is clearly intent on converting Sydney into some kind of two-wheeled Clover World, where everybody rides bicycles and talks about how happy they are over a lord mayoral latte.”

“Caffeine fix is a wheely bad idea” — May 25

“Only Clover Moore and her council were brave enough to spend $16 million of other people’s money to finally fix the [‘lack’ of coffee in the city] problem. Maybe next they’ll do something about the homeless.”

“Running roughshod” — May 20

“This debacle is the brainchild of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore, a one-woman traffic generator, whose empty, over-engineered bike paths have already clogged our best streets and stolen precious parking spaces.”

“This is plane bike crazy” — May 20

“Roads Minister Duncan Gay, formerly a sensible opponent of Clover Moore’s bicycle lane obsession, has joined the Lord Mayor as a cycling evangelist.”

“Lord Mayor parks sense in bike push” — May 19

“A WHOPPING 660 car parking spaces have been ripped out of the Sydney CBD as a result of Lord Mayor Clover Moore’s $64 million obsession with bike lanes.”

“Look at me: it’s Clover’s ad grab” — May 19

“SYDNEY Lord Mayor Clover Moore wants advertisers using electronic billboards in the city to give her 15 per cent of their ad space — so she can promote herself for free.

“Chaos theory is commuter reality” — May 18

“Construction of the enormously expensive light rail line, all part of Lord Mayor Clover Moore‘s dream vision of a diminished little Sydney where nobody can get anywhere, is set to burden our city with months of commuter complexity.”