The frontier wars were real wars

Dr Ray Kerkhove writes: Re. “Why you won’t find the frontier wars at the War Memorial” (Thursday). Problem is, Brendon Nelson is WRONG. There were conflicts similar to North American Indians v US Cavalry. Please read my article which was published in UTS’s journal late last year. I have recently completed the research on a similar and even more devastating conflict 1841-c.1860 at Gatton/ Mt Tabletop (Battle of One Tree Hill).

NSW council amalgamations

Leichhardt Councillor Darcy Byrne writes: Re. “Labor giving in to Baird’s mega-council amalgamation” (Friday). In Friday’s Crikey, Alex Mitchell attempted what can best be described as a hatchet job on me in his story about the Baird government’s plan to amalgamate councils.

Mitchell inaccurately reported on a Leichhardt Council meeting, held to finalise our submission on the government’s amalgamation plan. Not only did he not actually attend this meeting, he clearly has not read the resolution adopted there, nor did he bother to contact me to ask about my position. He makes the nonsensical claim that I am “co-operating” with amalgamations and that the left wing of the ALP “has signalled a general retreat and acceptance” of them.

Unfortunately for Mitchell, the very first point of council’s adopted position, which I voted for, reads “Council restates its unambiguous preference and intention to stand-alone as an independent council”. Mitchell’s failure to attend the meeting also meant that he missed the disclosure of documents, previously kept secret by the council, which demonstrate that if a merger does occur there is one option, not proposed by the Baird government, which is much more financially viable than all others.

I will continue to fight against the Baird government’s amalgamation plans but if they insist on abolishing Leichhardt Council I will also advocate for a smaller merger which won’t see rates go through the roof for our local residents.