Our Orwellian present
Keith Binns writes: Re. “Recruitment, arms, motivation: what the West is doing for terrorism” (yesterday). Never forget George Orwell: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
Jordan and terrorism
Julian McCrann writes: Re. “‘The end of the Middle East’: with IS closing in, Jordan on the brink” (yesterday). One could suggest that maybe Jordan should stop letting itself be used as a training ground for the likes of Al-Nusra to which it is supplying men and armaments to fight against Assad. Clearly, what often happens is that once possessed of this weaponry these men cross the border into Syria and join Islamic State/ Daesh instead. So who is supporting Jordan in prosecuting such stupid self-defeating behaviour? Well, it would be none other than the likes of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, UAE, US, UK, France — in other words, the usual suspects. Well hang on: it seems that even a year ago it was well known that the US was training Islamic Jihadis in Jordan that were in fact ISIS. The media silence on this is frankly deafening. If only the symptoms of a problem are tackled the problem itself will never be fixed.
On the Liberal Party
John Richardson writes: Re. “Liberal Party in name only” (yesterday). Whilst Crikey rightly lambasts Peter Dutton, George Brandis and the rest of the gang of fascists lurking inside Tony Abbott’s excuse for a cabinet for their public & dishonest vilification of Human Rights Commissioner, Gillian Triggs, it is easy to ignore the fact that, with a few notable exceptions, there has been a deafening silence on the part of our so-called “leaders” in calling-out the government over its behaviour.
The simple but sad truth is that Triggs has been rendered a brave but lonely voice by the cowardly failure of those in so-called “leadership” positions in the judiciary, the church, academia, the media, civil liberties groups and business to speak-out against the systemic attack on our democratic freedoms by both major political parties. That the Abbott government would so casually seek to ignore the human rights of any person, not just Australians, including their right to confront their accuser; their right to a fair trial and most importantly, their right not to be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile, says everything about that criminal gang’s willingness to embrace totalitarianism at the expense of the western liberal democratic tradition.
In singling out Triggs (for having the temerity to speak out about, among other things, the governance of the Limited News Party), maybe some of those leaders are speaking out, but not getting the publicity for it – seeing as who edits most of what we get to see in most of our media, and the side they side with?
I am very saddened by the number of people who agree with the government’s decision to strip citizenship from those they consider dangerous or “unAustralian”. It’s just another of the evil things Abbott and his lot are doing and I so despair for our country. And where is the compassion and common sense amongst the people? Are we this shallow?
Mr Hockey should know that there are other ways to get into the Sydney property market, other than getting a good job and a large loan.
One can always score a relatively low-paying job – say, a political staffer – and… marry well.
Investment bankers, for instance, are well-positioned to be able to acquire and service large mortgages…
What does it matter if the poor people can’t afford to get into Sydney real estate?
They and their families can always sleep in their cars – you know, the cars they don’t drive much.
Absolutely right John Richardson. Cowards everywhere. Hey sage, you can get the taxpayer to fund your Canberra house, follow Joe.