The real Bond villain

Mark Burns writes: Re. “Rundle: who is Australia’s best Bond villain?” (Friday). Guy, for goodness sake, look behind you! Bronwyn Bishop is an absolute shoo-in. May Allah bless you comrade: all those fabulous pics of vicious lipstick, teeth & hair during her “entitlements” age reportage spurred me on at the time to write to somebody, anybody (I’m not sure if Alby Broccoli is still with us?) to point out this bleedingly obvious career move for Bronnie, and here you are offering the perfect forum. Hell, she doesn’t even NEED a white cat!

‘Ave a go, ya mug

Malcolm Weatherup writes: Re. “No mugs for Tony, yet.” (Friday). C’mon now, Ms Tips, really: a Phillip Ruddock mug the hottest collectors item in parliament right now? By Crikey‘s own reporting, that honour actually goes to miscellaneous shattered pieces of marble from ‘that’ table come disco stage. Any whispers of a black market yet?