On boycotting the census
General Manager, Census and Statistical Network Services Division at the Australian Bureau of Statistics Chris Libreri writes: Re. “Why you should boycott the census” (March 31). The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) would like to express its strongest concern about the article published on March 31 by Bernard Keane, entitled “Why you should boycott the census”.
As the editor of what is purported to be a credible and balanced publication, it should also be of concern to you that the writer is encouraging readers to act illegally by not participating in the 2016 census of Population and Housing. It is in no way legitimate to not participate in the census, which is compulsory for everyone in Australia on census night, August 9 2016. Furthermore, while the writer reflects some of the benefits of census data in the article, he displays a clear misunderstanding of the broader value of the census, including the public’s expectation that census data be used to its full potential to inform better planning and decisions for all Australians, and what the ABS does to protect people’s privacy.
He also incorrectly conflates two separate issues. Data retention and other federal government national security policies cited in the article have nothing to do with the ABS, just as the decision to retain names and addresses from the 2016 census was a decision of the ABS, not of government.
Privacy of data collected is a fundamental pillar of an official statistical system. In Australia these protections have existed for more than 100 years. This will not change. The ABS never has, and never will, release identifiable census data.
In addition, the ABS has a range of tested strong security and legislative protections in place to ensure that census information is kept safe and secure. Names and addresses will be stored securely and separately from other census data, and each other, and will never be recombined with other census data. They will be retained only while there is public benefit in doing so, and then destroyed. I encourage you to become familiar with the information on how the ABS keeps census information safe and secure on the Census Privacy, confidentiality and security page.
Having complete public trust in our ability to collect and protect people’s information is critical to the success of the census. Efforts to undermine this trust are irresponsible and could result in compromised participation or falsified information in this year’s census, which will in turn compromise data quality and affect funding, decision-making and service delivery across all communities in Australia.
The ABS is committed to upholding the confidentiality and security of the personal information it collects. We are also committed to producing the highest quality statistics for the benefit of Australia. The census collects vital information about Australia’s population and its housing. It is a cornerstone of our democracy. It is our moment to make a difference — one we must not miss.
On Bob Ellis
Virginia Gordon writes: Re. “Rundle: vale Bob Ellis, Australia’s finest prose writer” (yesterday). “Sad time, comrades,” is what Ellis would be saying today. I learnt about cinema through his magnificent critical writing. I enjoyed two decades of intense discussions on cinema in the Sydney Film Festival foyers where he guided me to gems not to be missed. A harrumphing Ellis when his self-described masterpiece Run, Rabbit, Run was not programmed in the Sydney Film Festival.
I treasure a photo of me between Ellis and Abbott during the period of their bromance. A night at Gleebooks where Tony was his thoughtful best and Bob his most probingly gentle. Those silly walks to camera during the Costello court case beyond our wildest imaginings.
I would catch-up with him in Parliament House in Canberra in Aussies coffee shop. Comrade. Delicious gossip. Piercing insights into one and all. Always sitting alone in such happy dishevelment. Crumbs of meals half eaten. Surrounded by smartly dressed lobbyists and young staffers who dressed as if out of Charlie’s Angels, puzzled by who they thought was a pensioner who got through security, not the brilliant wordsmith writing magic for the less magical of politicians who he made more engaging than they could imagine.
Ellis. And So It Goes. And So He Goes. Rundle did him proud.
David O’Neil writes: Thanks Guy Rundle for a sensitive and thoughtful obit on the one and only Ellis. We owe him for his heart-felt observations, beautiful prose and delightful eccentricities. It won’t be the same without him.
Maybe Chris Libreri can tell us if they’ll store the final dataset on an Internet accessible server…
BTW, what if you’re not home that night – e.g. at the pub after midnight! Still have to fill it in?
Coaltopia, this is taken care of and the Census Bureau will (as it has done effectively in the past) ensure there’s the necessary information readily available.
Why Crikey, as a service to its subscribers) hasn’t done this already cannot be justified; but Crikey sees itself above justifying many of its articles.
On boycotting the census: it’s also in no way legitimate for ABS to retain names and addresses of respondents. They have no use for the data, and if it’s there it will be either demanded by other agencies, who also have no business doing so but will get the data anyway, or it will be hacked, possibly by those very same agencies.
So, ABS, if you collect the data it is available to pretty much everyone despite your spurious assurances and your faux concern.
Lee Tinson…I agree completely.
How come the ABS has managed the census for donkey’s years without retaining names and addresses before? Mr. Libreri didn’t enlighten us about that, did he?
What has changed to make this practice mandatory, all of a sudden? Something smells a bit off here!
Fine piece of MBAspeek from the GM ABS and, like all such waffle, counterproductive – “Names and addresses will be stored securely and separately from other census data, and each other, and will never be recombined with other census data. ” – if that is the case they WHY are they being stored at all?
As the old (1950s) Airwick ad put, “Doesn’t smell nice!”.