Queensland MP Ewen Jones announced last week that the government had awarded a $45,000 grant to SeaLink, the ASX-listed ferry and cruise operator that runs tours out of Townsville. While the funds for staff training programs under the Australian government Industry Skills Fund is in not lavish, one local found it interesting that the company’s connection to the government was not mentioned:
“It sounded as if this small cash offering would rival the miracle of feeding the hungry multitude with gluten free loaves and fishes. The reporters took the bait, went away and dutifully ran Ewen’s spiel. Astonishingly, nobody in the media raised the fact that Lucy Hughes Turnbull, wife of the PM, had been both a director and deputy chairman of the Sealink board and had stepped down in October 2015 after Malcolm dethroned Abbott.”
You are drawing a very long bow. Indeed, this is mischief.