While Tony Abbott cut a lonely figure at Manly Wharf yesterday, he doesn’t have too much to fear when it comes to holding onto his local seat of Warringah, holding it by a 15% margin. His Labor challenger is trying to use the former Prime Minister’s national profile to mount a crowdfunding campaign to “stop Tony Abbott”. According to Andrew Woodward’s mycause campaign, he needs $20,000 to try and unseat Abbott:

“Tony Abbott actively campaigns strongly against everything I stand for. He is a spoiler, a trouble-maker and a zealot. It is wrong. He is a blight on Australia, Warringah, the parliament and on the standing of politics in Australia. He typifies everything that is wrong with the system.

I need help funding the production of information for voters, billboards, signage for polling booths and advertising on both the internet and in the mainstream media.  A great campaign that gives me a crack at beating Tony Abbott starts at about $20,000. The more we have, the better our chances. I can’t guarantee success. But I can guarantee a committed effort to try and Stop Tony Abbott.”