As Turnbull’s prime ministership faces its first public test, both Media Watch and The Australian have remarked on how little the PM has appeared on 2GB, a favourite of his predecessor Tony Abbott. Well, the drought is over, the Daily Tele proclaimed on Saturday. Apparently the Prime Minister and Alan Jones have buried the hatchet, with Turnbull agreeing to appear on Jones’ show this Wednesday, for the first time in two years.

Turnbull as good as confirmed the story when asked about it on Saturday, saying he’d had a “very good” discussion and that he was “looking forward to appearing on his radio program”.

According to the Tele, the peace deal was negotiated by property tycoon John Boyd at his penthouse last week. The four-hour lunch initially looked like it was about to end early, with Turnbull and Jones at each others’ throats. And then someone had the idea of sending in Boyd’s wife, Marly Boyd, and and the couple’s year-old baby. After that, the “dynamic changed”, a source told the paper. Which shows that if you’re going to bring two warring parties together, it helps to have a baby on hand.