Our favourite banker does not like these elites (including brainwashing Marxists) and he’s got a book that tells them what’s what: the 1956 classic The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills. Sayeth Maurice: “In his book The Power Elite, C. Wright Mills talks about ‘interlocked prongs of power’ being political, military, and business.” Maurice further quote Mills, writing about the world of the 1950s: “… below them are professional politicians and pressure groups and professional celebrities who have the ear of those with direct power”.

Sadly for Maurice, Mills was a Marxist, a champion of Castro, and a co-author with Herbert Marcuse, the Frankfurt School Marxist usually blamed for “indoctrination” — and the power elite he was talking about wasn’t made of hipsters with blogs, it was banker-bureaucrats like Maurice Newman, writing for monopoly news organisations, and pretending to be one of the people. The ever-fascinating question: is Maurice playing dumb, or not playing?