Over at New MatildaCam Klose shares his “experiences from the Cathy McGowan campaign trail”:

“In an era when political expediency often comes above values, and the major parties are finding an increasingly apathetic and hostile electorate, Cathy’s victory in this election shows there is another way to do politics.

“It doesn’t have to be based on fear, division and reductive slogans: In many cases, the electorate is actually crying out to be treated like adults.”

Of course, Klose would say that. His LinkedIn page shows he worked for a whole year in 2013-14 “managing the social media and general media for Cathy McGowan’s campaign for the seat of Indi. This required devising media strategy, liaising with journalists, working closely with other members of the campaign team and handling all the media for the campaign.” He’s been involved this time round tooMcGowan’s own website lists him as her media liaison.

But Klose’s description on New Matilda just says he’s “currently working in communications with a climate non-profit”. Which doesn’t strike us as full disclosure.

We asked New Matilda‘s Chris Graham about it, and he said the opening paragraph of the campaign trial “declares that the author worked on the campaign” (for the record, it says the dispatch is “from the campaign trail” but does not say the author is working for McGowan).

“Apart from the headline, I don’t think it can get much more upfront than that,” Graham said.

“The author byline also notes that Campbell Klose works in media and communications. For the record he took a month off his ‘day job’ at 350.org to work on Cath McGowan’s campaign. He’s now back at 350.org.”