Re-elected libertarian Senator David Leyonhjelm is using the 18C provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act to lodge a complaint against Fairfax chief political correspondent Mark Kenny, who described him in passing as an “angry white male”. That article began by describing Leyonhjelm as a “boorish, supercilious know-all with the empathy of a besser block” — but Leyonhjelm can’t really argue that’s racially discriminatory. The article blasted Leyonhjelm and others for holding that offence is only in the mind of the person offended, and therefore 18C should be abolished.

Asked about the case this morning, Kenny told Crikey: “Q.E.D.”

“In its rank hypocrisy, this vexatious stunt not only proves the point of my piece, it betrays the Senator’s disregard for the real work of the Human Rights Commission.”

The Human Rights Commission has the power to throw out vexatious complaints — one would presume that’s what they would do here.