It is probably no surprise that long time anti-gay campaigner Fred Nile is pushing for the plebiscite to be delayed. In NSW Parliament on Wednesday, he asked state minister Duncan Gay whether NSW Premier Mike Baird  — who has no involvement in the plebiscite process at all — whether “the proposed plebiscite on the issue of two homosexual gay men being legally married in Australia” could be delayed to as late as September next year in order to not clash with “the New South Wales annual homosexual Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade” scheduled for the first weekend in March.


We are shocked, shocked that he’s trying to delay the inevitable as long as possible. We suspect that old mate Nile (who recently used his legal right as a “heterosexual straight man” to marry for a second time) fears that any celebration and public acknowledgement that gay people exist during the plebiscite, might result in his side losing (more than polls already indicate they would). Also, why aren’t lesbians mentioned?